It's funny really... Sometimes I think that people get annoyed when I talk about life with four kids. Four kids are four kids. It's three more than 1, double 2, and one more than 3.
It is also half of 8. I would quickly and readily agree that a home with eight kids, or seven or six or five. Is totally different than mine. Just a funny thing that I think about...
Another thing new here is that Dan and I gave ourselves a new video camera for pre-Christmas. It had to come early for all the pre-Christmas things that we really want to have record of, but yes it is "the gift". So merry Christmas to us!!
It's crazy (again with the mentioning of four kids, maybe I do have a problem *smile*) with all these (I must say it) four kids I was so careful to get everything of Tessa and Bo's on video. Then our camera kind of broke and felt really big so Lilly and Eli hardly have any of their baby hood recorded. Eli is only three, but I almost believe that "it's too late." I know it's not, but I am excited to record all their memorable and not so memorable moments. For them to see who they were and for me to be able to remember all these great moments that make up today!
We got our camera on the day of the Christmas home tour that I was a part of to raise money for missions. So I was excited to walk around near the end of the day and video our home cleaner, and with more candles lit then ever before... clip by clip. Well yesterday I decided to tidy up our memories and get them edited and on to a DVD. Much to my horror, and Dan's amusement we found that I had about one second of each "scene." I turned the camera OFF each time I wanted to record and ON for walking down hallways and stairs. I guess colouring my hair dark didn't change the roots. *smile*